June boat sales data from UW Sea Grant and the Department of Licensing give us a complete look at Q2 new and brokerage registrations in Washington. Registrations by dealers and brokers for Q2 were down 16.9% in units and down .6% in value compared to Q2 in 2023. For Q1, registrations were down 10.4% in units and up 4.1% in value. You can see the UW Sea Grant vessel registration dashboard here.
The tables below summarize Washington state’s new dealer and brokerage registrations for Q1 and Q2 for 2023 and 2024. Year to date the value of all new and brokerage boats registered in Washington is $339.7M for a 1.0% increase in value compared to 2023. New and brokerage registrations year to date in units is 4,303 which is a 15.0% decrease compared to 2023. Trade Only recently reported 2024 year to date sales using Boat Group data from their mid-year Market Index. The Boat Group data for North America shows the value of boats sold year to date for 2024 declined by 5.4% and the number of units declined by 6.8%.