Legislative Boating Day In Olympia - February 4, 2025

Register for NMTA/RBAW Legislative Boating Day In Olympia!

Join us as we advocate for recreational boating and defend our industry February 4, 2025, at the Washington state capitol in Olympia. We’ll begin with an in-person briefing at the WA State Capitol in Olympia at 12:30 p.m. by your Olympia team and be welcomed by a special legislative guest. Lunch is on your own due to food restrictions in Legislative hearing rooms. You’ll then participate in meetings with legislators throughout the afternoon and the day wraps up with a reception at the Olympia Yacht Club at 5:30 p.m. Hours: 12:30 – 7 p.m. Reception: 5:30 – 7:00 p.m.

Contact Name(Required)
Have you participated in Boaters' Day in Olympia in previous years?
Are there Washington State Legislators with whom you have a relationship or would particularly like to meet? If so, please list name(s) below.

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