Marina Management offers a wide array of services and support, uniquely tailored to each marina under management. It currently has 1,200 slips under management and employs a dozen full-time marina professionals at eight marinas, including Leschi and Lakewood Marinas on Lake Washington and Stimson Marina in Ballard. Previously Dwight spent 30 years at Elliott Bay Marina, the last 20 as general manager.
Dwight served on the Board from 2002 – 2011, was Board Chair 2007 – 2009 and over the years served on the Political Action, Fish and Golf Committees.
What do you most appreciate about NMTA?
The camaraderie, networking and professional development opportunities that NMTA provides. It’s so easy to get lost in our own businesses and see things through a self-centered narrow lens. One example is the annual Marina & Boatyard Conference. I always meet new people, learn new business practices and identify threats or new regulations.
What’s something the Board worked on/helped impact during your involvement that you’re most proud of?
During my time on the Board we launched the NW Salmon Derby Series. This was a herculean effort. Hats off to people like Tony Floor and Karsten Mcintosh for their hard work. The series proved to be an effective way to promote salmon fishing and increase revenues for our members. It brought a wide array of members together to sponsor and promote the series. It’s another example of the NMTA’s ability to connect businesses for a common goal.
Personal boating history:
I grew up in Federal Way on a small bay, Dumas Bay, near Lakota. I spent every day “messing around” in boats. My brother and I restored several. These were frequently wrecked or abandoned vessels that we found on the beach. We would spend hours patching them with bondo and epoxy to make them “seaworthy” — I use the term loosely since a bailing bucket was our constant companion. You could hear us coming from miles away because our chosen power plant was an 8hp, air cooled, Gamefisher outboard from the Sears catalog.
Over the years I have had a lot of boats but currently have a 32-foot Ribcraft hard bottom inflatable. It’s perfect for running up to the San Juans where I share a house on Henry Island with some friends.
Favorite place to go boating:
Like so many others, my favorite place to boat is Desolation Sound, however we recently discovered Barkley Sound. It’s only 90 miles from Victoria. The solitude, great fishing and amazing wilderness is incredible. Two years ago, my brother and I circumnavigated Vancouver Island in his 34-foot Regulator center console. Not a trip for the novice boater!