Do you have open positions you are looking to fill? Consider listing them on NMTA’s Career Center and signing up for a table at the Career Fair at the Seattle Boat Show on Monday, February 5, 8:30 a.m. – 10 a.m. The Career Fair is open to all show exhibitors AND NMTA members and is free to participate. It is an easy and convenient way to get your company and open jobs in front of scores of applicants. 

Career Fair attendees get free admission to the show at the conclusion of the event so they can visit your booth to learn more about your company, cruise the show and get inspired by the recreational boating business. 

To participate in the Career Fair or list a job opening on our Career Center, please contact Wyatt Asbury, Space is limited to 50 members so early registration is recommended.

NMTA also welcomes and encourages students of any age to attend the show for free. If you know of a school or educator who would like to bring their students to the show, please contact Wyatt to arrange the details.