The Stormwater Strategic Initiative Leads will open Requests for Proposals on October 23, seeking projects addressing the following priorities:

  • Climate Resiliency in Stormwater Management ($2.5 million available)
  • Developing Stormwater Parks and Regional Facilities ($1.6 million available)
  • Mega-Toxics:
    • Chemical Action Plan Implementation ($1 million available)
    • Contaminants of Emerging Concern Research ($1 million available)
    • Addressing Toxic Hotspot Impacts on Juvenile Chinook Salmon ($2.5 million available)

If you are considering an application under one or more of these opportunities, please submit this short “Interest in Applying” form as soon as possible to help us connect you with resources to develop a strong application! We will also offer webinars and office hours for applicants to ask questions and receive feedback on conceptual project ideas during the application period. For more information and RFP contact information, please visit our blog post.

The Habitat Strategic Initiative Lead is pleased to announce the investment of approximately $8.5 million of EPA Puget Sound Funds into 21 proposals to advance Puget Sound habitat recovery.

The Investment List includes successful proposals in response to the Spring 2024 Request for Proposals to implement the 2022-2026 Action Agenda and Habitat Implementation Strategies.  Check out our blog post for more information.